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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Weather Report

I just logged in and it is 100 degrees at 7 PM.  Around 9 or 10 PM it is about 90 degrees.  I don't know what the high of the day was.  It doesn't matter.  When I have to go outside, I do.  I try to stay in the shade.  That is not always possible.  Air conditioning is a real treat.  Ice water is a wonderful luxury.  We are lucky to have these things.  Many of us use our air conditioning sparingly.

Some of us like to turn the AC (air conditioning) off when we sleep.  The nights cool relative to the days but more importantly, the noise of the AC cycling on and off can disturb sleep.  Before dawn is the coolest time of day.  If you are awake then, you can open your windows or patio doors to get the coolest air of the day.  Sometimes there is a breeze, but sometimes not.  As the earth warms here, and the days grow longer, culminating on June 21, the Summer Solstice, the nights get warmer and warmer.  The tap water also gets warmer and warmer.  You cannot get a cool drink of water from the tap because the ground, the building, the foundation, the pipes are all warm.  The positive side of this is that you can take a comfortable shower in "cold" tap water.  It is not cold but comfortably warm and slightly refreshing.  Some folks turn off the hot water heater to save energy during the summer or at least turn the temperature of the hot water heater down to it's lowest selection.

The pool water is warm and getting warmer.  It is becoming like bath water.  Swimming at night is comfortable because the sun is not baking on you and reflecting in the pool water, yet the air temperature is quite warm, as I said, perhaps 90 degrees.  The desert summer nights are very pleasant.  The air has a good quality that needs its own word, perhaps a word that is not in the English language, a word that means "wonderful southwest desert night air."

It is nice to go for a drive at night in the wonderful southwest desert night air.  The lights of the city twinkle in the distance.  When you arrive in the city, the shopping centers are pleasingly illuminated.  The stores are air conditioned.  While the air conditioned stores are refreshing and sometimes even chilly, it is always most beautiful to return to the wonderful southwest desert night air.

It is also nice to sit outside at night, in a comfortable chair, and listen to the sounds of the night.  There may be traffic in the far distance.  There may be some wind chimes.  There may be a dog barking.  There may be the white noise of an air conditioner or cooler.  Someone may be having a pool party or Bar-b-q.  The guests may be laughing just a bit too loudly if the cocktails are strong and plentiful.  If you are lucky you may see a star shoot across the sky or a satellite slowly move in its orbit.  You may be sipping your own cocktail.  You may just be drifting off to sleep to the white noise of the distant traffic.

Enjoying the sweet southwest desert summer nights,
Southwest Desert Blogger
C. (c) 2011

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