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Friday, August 31, 2012

Best Search Terms of the Week

The Best Search Terms of the Week award goes to these four Southwest Desert Blogger readers:
1.  vert 350 hd junk

2. can i put ice cubes into an omega vrt350

3. drawbacks of omega vrt350

4. is it normal for the omega vrt350 to leak juice at the base

These are not necessarily in order of my preference, but how can you beat #1?  Number 4 isn't bad either.
Number 3 is verbally sophisticated.  "Drawbacks."  Nicely worded.  Scroll back in time, starting Sept. 2011, for my experience with the VRT350HD.
But the winner of the all time best Search Terms award is the "omega vrt350hd sucks" person --  A man of few words and kindred spirit of this week's winner, "vert 350 hd junk."  Disclaimer:  These search terms are not my original phrases, but real search terms people used to get to this site. The opinions expresses in the search terms are those of the searchers.

Is it normal for the omega vrt350 to leak juice at the base?  In my common sense, Southwest Desert Blogger logic, NO JUICER SHOULD LEAK!!!  unless you occasionally overfeed it or close off the juice spout.  This should be a rare event.  If you have a piece of junk juicer or it leaks often, see about returning it.  I hope you can.

Ice cubes?  I never put them in any juicer, so I don't know what happens.  I personally would not try it.  I have a good quality blender (not one of those $400 blenders).  It cost under $50 and it has a dedicated ice crusher button.  It works well for smoothies.  I used to go to the smoothie shop and saw that those $7.00 smoothies (then add the tip to that!) had a generous helping of ice blended into the mix. So, I got a blender that could crush 4-6 ice cubes in a pint or quart of smoothie.  That makes the smoothie super cold, especially if you use frozen fruit.  Just fruit, ice, a bit of water to blend, and perhaps raw carob powder, a tiny bit of maca, raw cacao, protein powder, a spoon of coconut oil, hemp seeds, chia seeds, acai, or any combination.  You can get those ingredients at discounts at  Use discount code WAL660 at checkout for $5 or $10 off your first purchase.   

Hovering around 100 degrees (F) in the desert, but it's a dry heat,
Southwest Desert Blogger
P.S. tonight is the last Blue Moon until 2015.  Make a wish and enjoy.
C. (c)2012

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