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Showing posts with label watermelon juice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label watermelon juice. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Got Heat?

Blooming non-native Carrion flowers, 1/2 inch
Howdy to all you VRT juicer readers.  I just figured you all would like to know what the summer weather is like here in the Southwest Desert.  It is hot.  Daily high temperatures are around 105 degrees (Fahrenheit), sometimes higher.  It cools down to 80 degrees at night. The humidity is creeping up as monsoon season has started.  Sometimes I see the rain clouds and lightening out in the distance, but it has not rained much yet.

The earth is hot.  The tap water is very warm because the pipes in the earth are warm.  You need some ice cubes if you want a cool drink. 

I look forward to melon season.  You can juice cantaloupe or watermelon with some cucumber, or just eat the sweet melons. 

Hope all you cowboys and cowgirls are staying cool,
Southwest Desert Blogger
C. (c) 2012