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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Low Tech and Proud of It

Yep, I'm low tech and proud of it.  No smart phone here.  My phone is dumb as a stump.  No texting; it's a phone; you're supposed to talk using a phone.  You want to type, get a typewriter.  When did phones turn into typing devices?  Does it seem like we are going backwards disguised as progress?

No tweeting.  I'm not a bird.  And what is the international obsession with Facebook?  Why do I keep getting emails from friends urging me to join Facebook so that I can see the photos that I do not want to see anyway.  Why would I want to friend popular strangers who don't give a damn about me?

I want to get a beautiful paper card in the snail mail.  I will display it and enjoy it's beauty.  I want to hold quality stationery in my hand and read your thoughts.  I can read it when my computer, phone, or eye(I)pad [if I had an eye(I)pad] is turned off.  I can reread it as I please and save it in a special box with other paper letters and cards that  please me.   Cards and letters are tactile and visual.  No pressing keys involved.

I want to hear a voice on the phone.  I want to laugh with you and respond spontaneously in real time.  I want to hear the joy in your voice when you answer your phone and recognize my voice.  I want to hear your voice on the phone saying you got my voicemail and were so happy that I called.

I promised myself that I would technologically challenge myself by posting a photo of a blooming cactus in today's blog.  I want to show you my cactus flowers, but they bloom so briefly.  They are so ephemeral that if I do not stroll in the garden areas at the right time of day or night, (yes, we have night blooming cacti), the flowers will wilt and shrivel in the heat.  So, enjoy today's flowers.

Wishing you were here,
Southwest Desert Blogger
C. (c)2011

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